苏清照(苏焱)Nicole Su
苏焱,女,字清照, 1976年生于上海。自幼喜好绘画,大学毕业即赴法国留学深造,归国后跟随江涛先生学习山水画,大量临摹古人名画,夯实基础。后研修于上海中国画院高研班,师从汪家芳等导师,潜心于书画艺术。作品多次参加海内外画展,并被众多机关单位及个人收藏,获得好评。作品见于《人民政协报》、《联合时报》、《新民晚报》、《美术博览》、《文化艺术报》和一系列画册、家谱、纪念册等等。 Nicole Su, female, another name Qing Zhao, was born in Shanghai in 1976. Since childhood, she liked painting. After graduating from university, she went to France for further study. After returning home, she followed Mr. Jiang Tao to learn Chinese Landscape Painting. He copied a lot of famous paintings of ancient people and consolidated her foundation. Later, she studied in the advanced research class of Shanghai Academy of Chinese Painting. She was taught by Wang Jiafang and other tutors, and devoted herself to the art of calligraphy and painting. Her paintings have participated in paintings exhibitions at home and abroad for many times, and have been well received by many organs, units and individuals. Her paintings can be found in the 《People's Political Consultative Conference》, 《Lianhe Times》, 《Xinmin Evening News》, 《Art Expo》, 《Culture and Art Daily》 and a series of picture albums, genealogy, souvenirs, etc. 现为上海市美术家协会会员,上海市浦东新区美术家协会理事,上海市欧美同学会画院画师(业务委员会委员)。 Now she is a member of Shanghai Artists Association, member of a council of Shanghai Pudong New Area Artists Association, painter of Shanghai Euro-American Students Association Painting Academy (member of the Business Committee). 作品《曲径通幽》入选2014上海中国画小品展 The Paintings "Quick Path to Secret" was selected for the 2014 Shanghai Chinese Painting Sketches Exhibition 作品《江山依旧 两岸共荣》入选2015年第八届上海美术大展 The Paintings "Jiangshan Still Co-prosperous across the Straits" was selected for the eighth Shanghai Art Exhibition in 2015. 作品《强渡乌江》入选2016年“庆祝建党95周年、纪念长征胜利80周年——上海美术作品展” The Paintings "Strong Crossing the Wujiang River" was selected for the 2016 "Celebrating the 95th Anniversary of the Founding of the Party and the 80th Anniversary of the Victory of the Long March - Shanghai Art Exhibition" 《江山依旧 两岸共荣》入选2015年第八届上海美术大展 The Paintings "Jiangshan Still Co-prosperous across the Straits" was selected for the eighth Shanghai Art Exhibition in 2015. 《强渡乌江》入选2016年“庆祝建党95周年、纪念长征胜利80周年——上海美术作品展” The Paintings "Strong Crossing the Wujiang River" was selected for the 2016 "Celebrating the 95th Anniversary of the Founding of the Party and the 80th Anniversary of the Victory of the Long March - Shanghai Art Exhibition" 《杜陵田舍》 Farmhouse on the edge of Duling 《湖光山色正清华》刊于2011-12-17《人民政协报》 “The natural of lakes and mountains is beautiful and elegant” was published in the People's Political Consultative Conference Newspaper from December 17, 2011.
《云山从翠》刊于2012-9-28《新民晚报(夜光杯)》 “Clouds and mists surround the verdant mountains” is published in Xinmin Evening News (Nightlight Cup) from September 28, 2012.
《静以修心》刊于2013-8-1《美术博览》丛书第25期 "Tranquility for Mental Cultivation" is published in No. 25 of Fine Arts Expo Series, August 1, 2013
《山泉清逸图》刊于2013-8-1《美术博览》丛书第25期 “Fresh and elegant mountain springs” is published in No. 25 of Fine Arts Expo Series, August 1, 2013
《山居幽赏》刊于2014-4-3《文化艺术报》 "Quiet appreciation in the cottage on the hill" is published in "Culture and Art Newspaper" from April to March 2014. 《湖光山色共争秋》刊于2014-4-3《文化艺术报》 “The beauty natural of lakes and mountains are rushing to herald autumn” is published in the "Culture and Art Newspaper" from April to March 2014. 注:详见苏焱个人官网:倾翠书屋 陈燮君 题 上海市欧美同学会 学长 时任 上海博物馆 馆长 |